Nitya Gurukula is offering certified training programs in Tai Chi. Participants interested to become Certified Instructors are invited to take up this module.

About Tai Chi
- Tai chi is an internal art embracing the body, mind, and spirit that originated in ancient China.
- It contains movements and breathing known as forms for generating inner power.
Tai Chi @ NG
- NG practice, teach and follows Dr.Paul Lam’s Tai Chi. Dr.Paul Lam is a retired family physician and the Director of Tai Chi for Health Institute - TCHI & is a world leader in the field of Tai Chi for health.
- A team of medical experts and Tai Chi Practitioners designs Dr Lam’s Tai Chi programs.
- It is easy to learn, enjoyable and proven by over 30 medical studies to relieve arthritis pain and improve many aspects of health.
- There are over eight million people around the world who have enjoyed and benefited from Dr Lam’s Tai Chi for Health programs.
- Increasing strength and flexibility of the arthritic joints, tendons and muscles
- Step-by-step teaching methodology for training others
- Enhancing mobility and balance
- Creating well-being with emotional regulation
- Clearer thinking and reduced stress
- Deeper body, mind and spirit connectivity
- Gain knowledge about Tai Chi and its benefits
- Learn how to teach this program safely and effectively
- Be able to perform the Tai Chi Movements

Who can attend this Training?
Participants include: Occupational Therapists, Physiotherapists, Exercise Physiologists, Tai Chi teachers and advanced Tai Chi students, Doctors, Nurses, Health Professionals, Interested Individuals and Accredited Exercise Instructors.

- 20 Hours over 10 days training with NG Instructors
- 15 Hours over 2 Days Training with Master Trainer, TCHI, Australia
On completion of Training, Participants:
- Get an International Certificate from TaiChi for Health Institute - TCHI, Australia
- Describe history, styles and benefits of Tai Chi,
- Discuss safety issues in Tai Chi
- Talk about Tai Chi Principles
- Demonstrate Tai Chi forms
The Participants will be trained by NG Instructors and Certified by Master Trainer from TCHI, Australia.
Interested to become a Certified TaiChi Instructor, Please Click
- Ms Sashi Chandran Has the Honour & Privilege of Being Certified as a Master Trainer by Dr. Paul Lam,Founder of the Taichi for Health Institute, Australia!
- This prestigious certification marks a milestone in Sashi’s journey to bring the transformative power of Tai Chi for health and wellness to People Work. With Dr. Paul Lam's expert guidance, Sashi is now equipped to lead others in mastering Tai Chi techniques that promote physical, mental, and emotional well-being.