Philosophy : All human beings are ‘born as princes & princesses’ & become ‘frogs’
Values : Human dignity, Self-determination, Health, Security, Mutuality
Principles : Okayness, Social Justice, Respect, Empowerment, Responsibility, Protection.
Helps gain micro and macro perspective of life, from the womb to the tomb and beyond.
Unravels mystery of ‘human predicament’ in simple language
Goal of TA
Social Control- socially appropriate behaviours - freedom from impulsive & compulsive behaviours
Autonomy -the freedom to choose; capacity for awareness, spontaneity & intimacy.
Special features of Transactional Analysis, TA in NG:
- TA - 35 plus years of application in - Mother Theresa's home, Women's focus groups, schools, colleges, industries, commercial sector, Cancer Supportive care etc.
- TA is the root and core of NG - NG interventions are contractual
- NG breathes, talks and lives Transactional Analysis
- TA is a way of life in Nitya Gurukula - embedded in NG system & services
- TA is indigenised to cater to the Eastern ethos and pathos - adapted to suit the Indian culture and tradition
- TA and Tai Chi are integrated and blended to bring holistic wellness in individuals, groups and systems
- Nitya Gurukula TA training is : only for ITAA Certification - global and culturally sensitive and relevant.
NG definition of TA:
Transactional Analysis, TA : A holistic system, a social psychology, with a unique philosophy, principles, theories, concepts and techniques for contractual human development and transformation.
TA is used in counselling for problem solving and empowerment, to facilitate learning in education, for organizational development and to heal psychological traumas. Fields of application or specialisations in Transactional Analysis are:
- Counselling
- Education
- Organisation
- Psychotherapy