Rooting in and living Values
Dear Readers, Welcome to SC Musings, Blog 27! As we step into 2025,
I intend to keep Blog 27 pictorial and brief because I am keying it as I await my flight to Wollongong, at the Chennai airport. The ideas for this Blog have been growing within, and I chose the title Rooting in and Living Values.
Values are easier to talk, even think about, but it is extremely difficult to make them come alive and live them. Blocks to living values are because:
Of our drives and urges, which are not in our conscious control,
They have settled in our cognitive layer, not penetrating into other layers and dimensions
Our living patterns which become embedded
Social compulsions, like fashion, Showing off etc which drag us away.
These blocks exist as polarities within, and we settle for the path of least resistance and carry on our routine mundane existence.
My experience over years is that values, existential and universal values protect and make life and living enjoyable, balanced and peaceful. It simplifies life and we don’t have to chase shadows. Sat-Chit-Ananda, translated as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss become a reality, and these then are the core values.
I sought the plant kingdom to explore rooting- it seemed more appropriate than anchoring, because rooting has deeper implications. Anchoring gives stability, but rooting grounds, anchors, nourishes by providing life giving water and substances for plants and trees. And this is exactly what values does for us.

Having chased many ideals and ideas because of my passion for working with people, I finally rooted in the idea of people work; this means that when existence is valued, philosophies, theories, practices, concepts and techniques become supports to value people and make a difference in their lives. Usually, we learn to operate in the reverse.
Taichi for example is recognised for its healing and wellness properties. However we often lose sight of the fact that it is meant for people. The slight change in words, Taichi for people and not people for Taichi brought a big difference in the way I present and teach Taichi. Dr Lam , global expert and Taichi master has used this wisdom based approach to heal and guide people to health and wellness.
I present herewith photos of some of the roots I captured in my garden.

Yes, the varieties of roots are endless. Just a few from the garden show us there are diverse ways we can root in our values- and bring them up, regularly to air them out.
Dear Readers, As I bid farewell to you as flight is announced, I invite you to explore your root values More on values in our Blog 28.